기관 Use Terms Guide for Korea Open Government License
작성자 관리자2017-01-31조회수 4141
1. This page is a summary for an easy understanding of the General Agreement for Korea Open Government License
a separate permission from its service institution.
2. On/Off-line sharing and use : sharing and use through on/off-line possible
3. Indication of the source : Shall indicate the source of the work.
※ The indication of the source shall not be used to misguide a third party as it is sponsored by public institutions
or as it has special relationship with public institutions.
4. Commercial Use Prohibition : The works shall be used only for nonprofit purposes.
However, it is possible to use public works for commercial purpose with special permissions.
5. Change Prohibition : It is prohibited to modify the work, or change it to create a secondary work.
I. Display and Changes of the Use Terms
a) User must indicate its source when using KOGL's work.
b) The use terms of KOGL's work may be changed. However, the user can use the work without altering its
purpose of use if the user used that work prior to the change of the use terms.
II. Use Terms Violation
a) Use permission is immediately terminated when the user violates the KOGL's Use Terms.
b) If the user keeps using public works after violating the Use Terms, it establishes infringement of copyright which
may charge the user criminal and/or civil charges.
c) Public institutions do not guarantee the accuracy or the continuous service provision of public works.
d) Also, public institutions and its employees shall not be responsible for any kind of damage or disadvantage that
may arise by using public works.
III. Others
a) Use terms for KOGL may not be applied if the user has a special permission from the public institution that
possesses the work.
b) Users willing to utilize the intellectual property rights in addition to public institution's copyright shall get
a separate permission from its service institution.
한국문화정보원이 제공한 본 저작물은 “공공누리” 제1유형:출처표시 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.